PR for People Monthly OCTOBER 2015 | Page 25

inspiration and a wonderful example of the human race. It seemed to me that this man had it all figured out. He was humble and pleasant as we spoke about terms and conditions, loop holes, hidden fees... his wife, his kids, his grand kids, etc. He marveled at how lucky he was to have such a loving family which in turn, he stated, provided for a happy life and appreciation for the small things. Although he was merely a customer service provider, he took immense pride in what he did. I found proof in the soft nature of his voice. I could here him smiling with each word, especially when he spoke about his family.

“I’m 70 years old,” he said. “I’m still working because I enjoy it, not necessarily because I have to.” Here was a man that went above and beyond, not for acknowledgement or money, but because he believed in his purpose and generally enjoyed being helpful.

Somewhere along the way we seem to have lost it all: the passion, the desire, the obligation, the integrity. Contentment is acceptable, as long as we can have our

cocktail on Friday. It takes a desire for more than simple contentment to break away from the socio-economical routine and trying to create something that is unique. A man once asked me “What is wrong with kids these days? They are so afraid of failure.” We must be prepared to fail, and be prepared to fail in many ways, for that is when the lesson reveals itself. For many, if a task appears too daunting, they decide that it is not worth the effort because there is no immediate gratification. However, they fail to acknowledge the gifts offered beyond the failure: experience. For Eddie, in his experience he had learned that it is not about what others can do for you, but what you can do for others. He took pleasure in giving back to society and in his own mind, was a success. I do not doubt that he met his trials with assertion rather than apprehension.

So when you find yourself at a crossroads, when the wheel begins to turn, be confident in knowing that everything that happens, good or bad, is part of the process. If you never lose sight of the goal and never stop trying to achieve it, then you have never truly failed.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ― Winston S. Churchill

Nicole Shank recently moved from Brentwood, N.H. to Miami, FL.