PR for People Monthly November 2017 | Page 39

Just happened to be scrolling through my Facebook feed and came across a suggested post, which is sort of an advertisement for the "iPhone School Of Photography." What was interesting was the fellow in the video was not trying to sell the school, but was actually giving real, usable information for free. I checked this all out and it all worked perfectly. (I always check out EVERYTHING I read on any social media because it is wholly unedited and therefore needs to be vetted carefully for factual information because there is a great deal of dis-information out there).

At any rate, this person was talking about making better images with your iPhone, but the advice is well-taken for just about any type of photography. It consists of many things I have been trying to outline in the more than a thousand articles I have already published during the last several years.

• Try photographing things from different angles. If you are simply raising your camera to your eye level, you are just getting the same shot everyone else gets. Try a higher or lower angle.

Another Take On Inspiration

by William Lulow