PR for People Monthly MAY 2017 | Page 5



Dear Friends and Colleagues: It was President Eisenhower who proclaimed May 1 to be Law Day in the United States. The observance of Law Day was later codified as Public Law 87-20 on April 7, 1961. We think May 1 is a great day to say thanks to the lawyers who are doing good work in the world.

Law Day has never been a government holiday. The day has never been given much attention. It’s not certain if attorneys ever make much mention of Law Day. At PR for People, we think Law Day is a great time to discuss topics like justice, civil liberties, and civil rights. It’s also a day that could focus on how important the United States Constitution is to our country and how it serves as a shining example of good law to the world.

In this issue of the Connector, we feature two attorneys, Pat Noonan and Ron Schiffman, who have traveled the globe to help build democracy in war-torn countries that are newly emerging nations often undergoing horrific change. Our cover story features the panelists of Pacific ADR Consulting—attorneys who practice alternative dispute resolution to help people mediate settlements instead of engaging in litigation.

There are many attorneys in the United States who are practicing good law. In this issue of The Connector, we have a round-up of lawyers from around the United States whose names were submitted to our magazine by those who have worked with them and can attest to their practice of good law. On this first day of May, we encourage you to talk about what it means to be a free nation and to enjoy the liberties provided by our constitution. Here’s to the American legal system!

–Patricia Vaccarino