Nearly everyone has some kind of smartphone these days, and since they all have cameras built in to them, nearly everyone takes pictures these days. You don't need to carry a "real" camera anymore. Just use your phone!
The problem is that nearly everyone simply raises their phone to their eye and snaps away. And most people find that very easy, but there is a whole lot more to making good images than to simply record what's in front of you. If you just want to record something that transpires before you, fine! Just hold your phone up and record it. But, if you want to make more interesting images, here are a couple of tips for using your smartphone's camera more creatively. Many of these ideas revolve around noticing that LIGHT is really the defining element in just about all photographs. (The definition of PHOTOGRAPH is "light - picture").
Making Images With Your iPhone
by William Lulow
2. Look for different types of light. Shoot INTO the sun once in a while. In order to do this successfully, however, you will need to shade your lens. Find some nearby shade like under a tree, for example, and shoot a subject standing in the sun.
1.Try a different angle. Get down on the floor or on the ground to capture your subject. Or, climb a tree! (I'm not being facetious here). Do something to change the angle. Don't just simply hold the camera up to your eye.