PR for People Monthly JUNE 2016 | Page 4


Dear Friends and Colleagues: Greetings! We shouldn’t have to take a vacation from work. How about calling vacation a break? We can do something totally unrelated to our work, so it refuels our bodies, energizes our soul and refreshes the way we see, think and talk about the things we love to do.

When we are passionate about what we do for a living, it ceases to be work and it becomes part of our person-hood.

Being industrious is a way of life and it means that when we are always up to something new, fanning the fires of creativity and generating a vitality that is self-sustaining. When we love our jobs, we never stop working because it’s not really work at all. It’s about love, passion and a way to actualize who we really are professionally and personally. Join us this month for many perspectives on what it means to work in America.

- Patricia Vaccarino

Gregg Bertram is one of the most experienced and successful mediators in the U.S. He is the founder and CEO of Pacific ADR Consulting, LLC, a Pacific Northwest mediation and arbitration service provider.  Full Disclosure: Pacific ADR Consulting is a client of Xanthus Communications LLC.