PR for People Monthly June 2013 | Page 9

Tipping the scale in qualifications for the job you applied for, but turned down because your weight is tipping the scale, too? This situation, once considered prejudice, is now at the forefront of many business owners’ minds as they weigh one candidate over another. Health problems undermine the financial stability of small businesses, and their owners are painfully aware that hiring overweight employees may be a financial drain they cannot risk. Obesity is a major cause of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some cancers, and a contributor to increased duration of illness. According to research at Kantar Health (a health-care consulting company), obesity among full-time workers costs an estimated $73.1 billion per year. Right or wrong, prospective employers often refuse to hire large size people, many of whom are also often denied health and life insurance.

High unemployment rates continue to be an issue for many Americans. Many people encounter discriminatory attitudes and are denied equal opportunity in many areas of life based on a number of factors. As the rate of obesity escalates, and unemployment inches down slowly, weight may soon be as important as a great resume. Regardless of right or wrong, weight discrimination is now an integral component of potential employment, and overall job security. Apparently the cliche, “It’s what’s on the inside that counts,” doesn’t apply in the working world. If excess weight is holding you back, consider what you must do to tip the scale in your direction, and get the job you deserve.

There is much more than desire that goes into eliminating weight as an obstacle in obtaining employment. To motivate you and optimize weight loss and health gain simultaneously follow this link to our Educate-A-Cure videos posted on YouTube.

Jenevieve Fisher is the founder of the Educate-A-Cure Foundation.

For more on Jenevieve Fisher follow our link to her press kit.