PR for People Monthly December 2017 | Page 10

Gombe, Tanzania - "Flint" peeks into a tent at Jane Goodall. (National Geographic Creative / Hugo van Lawick)

Gombe, Tanzania - Jane Goodall and infant chimpanzee Flint reach out to touch each other's hands. Flint was the first infant born at Gombe after Jane arrived. With him she had a great opportunity to study chimp developmentā€”and to have physical contact, which is no longer deemed appropriate with chimps in the wild. (National Geographic Creative/ Hugo van Lawick

Gombe, Tanzania - David Greybeard was the first chimp to lose his fear of Jane, eventually coming to her camp to steal bananas and allowing Jane to touch and groom him. As the film JANE depicts, Jane and the other Gombe researchers later discontinued feeding and touching the wild chimps. (National Geographic Creative/ Hugo van Lawick)

Gombe, Tanzania - Young Chimpanzee Flint. (Jane Goodall Institute)

Gombe, Tanzania - Two adult chimps, one young chimp. (Jane Goodall Institute)

Phillip Glass, Composer for the film JANE (Steve Pyke)

Brett Morgen, the director, writer and producer for the film JANE (John P. Fleenor)