PR for People Monthly August 2013 | Page 36

For five years, PR for People® has been focusing on building our brand, and it has worked. Google PR for People or PR People or PR and People from anywhere in the world and we are at the top. This means when journalists are looking for someone with your expertise, they will find you on the PR for People® website, in our PRforPeople® social media, or in our new magazine PR for People® The Connector.

Content Bubble. In the age of the Content Bubble if you are not well branded, you do not stand a chance of breaking through the clutter--one reason why we have worked so hard to build the PR for People® brand.

The Right Audience. Our proprietary PR for People® email list reaches key influencers across industries: media, bloggers, business people (both corporate executives & entrepreneurs) authors, academics, referral sources & rainmakers, colleagues, investors, clients, followers, fans, friends and family.

Branding. The word has been misused and over used. People can attach a lot of mystique and voodoo to brand, charge a lot of money to “touch brand”, but all brand does is pose a question. The question is, "What do you stand for?" PR for People® knows what we stand for. We stand for excellent people. People who are the best they can be.

The editorial deadline for the next issue of our new interactive magazine PR for People® is Monday, November 11th. Got a story? Pitch us by email at [email protected]. Current PR for People clients are entitled to a free ¼ page Ad. Deadline for Editorial and Advertising, 2013.

PR for People® The Connector Magazine:

Our First Anniversary!

Our rates are affordable for everyone. Clients get a ¼ ad for free. Rates for non-clients are $50 for ¼ page, $100 for a ½ page, $200 for a full-page. Inquiries for a rate placement card should be sent to [email protected]

Who reads our magazine?

Business people and entrepreneurs 46%

Broadcast Journalists 8%

Print Journalists 12%

Online media 6%

Academics 10%

Non-profits 11%

Other 7%

Social Media outlets include:

@PRforPeople on Twitter