The Professional Edition 4 October 2021 | Page 41

Instead of starting out small to rectify the problem , they freeze and do nothing . For example , when trying to live a healthier lifestyle following a period of inactivity and weight gain , one should not start by trying to run a marathon or starving oneself *.
Rather start by taking small steps such as taking the stairs at work or snacking on fruits and vegetables instead of greasy chips or sugary foods . The same is true for finances . Take measures to settle debt and then start saving . Even if one starts saving only R1 per day , that is a start which could lead to greater savings in the future .
Lack of limits causes problems
A study done by Cornell University in the US , showed that when people are served more food , they eat more . A comparable financial example is consumers who are extended a higher credit line on a credit card . When they have more credit , they use it .
Lack of understanding about the long-term cost of credit is also widespread . Creditors charge just a fraction of the outstanding balance amount due as a minimum payment , resulting in high interest costs and repayment periods .
The solution is simple : serve smaller portion sizes when it comes to weight management and reduce limits on credit lines such as credit cards .
Drastic solutions have major drawbacks
There is no easy way to lose weight or dig oneself out of debt . Developing a healthy lifestyle or accumulating wealth takes discipline , perseverance and time . Liposuction and gastric bypass surgery can reduce weight quickly , and television “ makeover ” shows have made it seem easy .
However , “ quick fixes ” often pose risk . When it comes to health , there can be complications following major surgery or even death . An example of a “ quick fix ” when it comes to finances , is declaring insolvency . As much as taking this step helps you to get rid of debt within a short period of time , the downside is that bankruptcy will stay in your credit file for up to ten years . This can make it very difficult or expensive to obtain credit in future .
The longevity connection
People who live a healthy lifestyle , i . e . not smoking , exercising regularly and eating four or more servings of fruit and vegetables daily , decrease their risk of dying prematurely . Similarly , people who look after their finances tend not to fall in a debt track , but rather increase their wealth .
Need for routine check-ups
Everyone surely agrees that regular medical screening tests – such as blood pressure and / or blood glucose checks , mammograms , prostate cancer PSA tests , or colonoscopies – are essential for maintaining good health . Regular checkups are especially important because as people age , they are at a greater risk of suffering health problems .
Periodic financial check-ups are just as important as routine physical exams . People can be sick physically or financially and not know it . A review of one ’ s finances can help “ diagnose ” problems before they get worse . A financial check-up can also evaluate progress toward financial goals , identify needed action steps , provide accountability to oneself and provide the motivation to change .
With spring in the air and summer around the corner , it is a time of possibility ; to take stock of the habits that might be holding you back and to form new habits to become a better version of yourself .
Set realistic goals , take small steps to reach them , learn from your setbacks , and above all , believe in yourself and your capacity to become healthy and wealthy . As Walt Disney once observed , “ All our dreams can come true , if we have the courage to pursue them .”
* Before starting any new diet and exercise programme please check with your doctor and clear any exercise and / or diet changes with them before beginning .