The Professional Edition 4 October 2021 | Page 38

But we already have a perfect example of how digital technology is creating such a more efficient and effective healthcare system . One only needs to look at telemedicine . In this fast-paced society where time is money , most professionals cannot afford to take a few hours out of their busy day to have regular health check-ups . They would prefer to quickly join a call , check in with a doctor or nurse and if everything checks out , they can move on with their day and keep their income flowing .
Telemedicine technology has been available for over a decade but seemed to lack the foothold and funding it requires to entrench itself in modern-day healthcare . In comes COVID-19 and lockdown restrictions and suddenly the system is put to the test with doctors scrambling to get in on virtual consultations because it is safer for their patients and them . Of course , nothing replaces a face-to-face diagnosis , but telemedicine is going to become a far more common way of performing initial diagnoses and engagement . And not just in the typical dialogueheavy consultations as seen in mental health , but in normal GP settings for commonly treated ailments . It is easy to manage from a planning perspective and you will find that most consultations can be easily managed through a telemedicine context and do it quicker , faster leaving time for the more serious cases to be cared for more efficiently .
At Profmed , there has been a 30 % increase in telemedicine events within the scheme year-on-year . The interesting thing about this is that the amazing increase in activity since COVID-19 began , shows that people were ready and willing to connect with their health practitioners in this way .
There is a marvellous future ahead for healthcare as the industry continues to invest in the digital journeys of its customers . This connection is something that is transforming many facets of our lives , none of which can be more transformative in this world than the move towards better healthcare . The more people engaged and connected to the care of an individual , including themselves , the more one can enhance the quality of care given to them . And that is a modern miracle .