PPPPartners.org July 2014 | Page 4


Our tree planting campaign is organised with the Green Earth Appeal as part of its partnership role in the United nations Environment Programme.

PPP trees are currently being planted where they will do most good in emerging nations.

Not only do they replace woodland and wildlife habitat lost to Tsunamis and illigal logging but they greatly reduce the damaging effect of carbon dioxide emissions.

Trees also provide sustainable food, fuel, financial opportunity, independence and self-respect or the impoverished.

We can also plant native broad-leaf trees in your own community or area.

We can even designate forest areas in your coprporate branding.

All things are possible. Let's talk over a few ideas to help you achieve your corporate ambitions and help the environment at the same time.


Partners in Protecting the Planet recognises and enhances the beneficial effect that caring companies can have on the environment and the quality of life touched by their corporate activities.

Many of our members embed these principles into their Corporate Social Responsibility programmes but, even if you are a small company, or do not have a published CSR strategy, you can still make a positive impact through your free PPP membership.

Businesses of all types and sizes are in a privileged position of being able to bring about change-for-the-better and PPP is dedicated to helping them.