PPMI | Page 8

A Letter from Michael J. Fox Dear Friend, I wanted to personally thank you for participating in PPMI. You have my deepest gratitude for being part of our mission to speed breakthrough treatments for Parkinson’s disease. I’m grateful you’re here because, if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that better treatments aren’t going to fall from the sky. Real challenges stand in the way of the results we need and it’s up to all of us to get involved and meet those challenges however we can. By participating in PPMI, you are doing just that. At the Foundation, we don’t like to pat ourselves on the back. But I hope you’ll give yourself one for your enormous contribution to this effort. The thoughtful engagement of people like you is the only thing that can help meet a major need for a Parkinson’s biomarker. Today, you are part of the solution. Thank you again for being part of something that could change everything for the five million Parkinson’s patients worldwide. All my best, Michael J. Fox