Luiz Antonio Bergunso Contact: [email protected] Born on 22.12.1952 in the town of Palmital (SP) Brazil, is the grandson of Italian and Portuguese immigrants. The father was a singer and instrumentalist. There were many singers and instrumentalists in the family. Singer from the 08 years of age, the Choir of St. Sebastian Church in Palmital (SP), where his father was an organist, he developed the art of music, also learning to play guitar when he 11 years. Composer and performer, has participated in many festivals, popular and sacred, from his youth. Recorded in partnership with his friend (Paulo Roberto Silva), an LP in 1982 entitled Acorda, Povo!, which included two of his compositions: Mensageiros do Senhor e Rumo à Liberdade. He also composed the song Meu Velho e Querido Imigrante, in honor of his grandfather, an Italian immigrant, portraying a bit of his life and sufferings of migration, taking with it part of the festival Canto of Brazil 4 (1984), Fortaleza (CE) sponsored by Bank of Brazil. It also has a track recorded with Paulinho, the LP Cante Terra II, Music, America, Lamento e Esperança (composition Carlos Aleixo), Campo Mourao (PR), the ranking among the 12 songs in the finale of the Festival of Native Music Rio Grande in 1988. Participates in the music ministry at Cathedral St. Joseph in Campo Mourao (PR) Brazil, Wedding Ceremonies, Events and Shows. Nascido aos 22.12.1952, na cidade de Palmital (SP), é neto de imigrantes Italianos e portugueses. O pai foi cantor e instrumentista. Houveram muitos cantores e instrumentistas na família, Cantor desde os 08 anos de idade, no Coral da Igreja Matriz de São Sebastião, em Palmital (SP), onde o pai era organista, foi desenvolvendo a arte musical, aprendendo também a tocar o violão aos 11 anos. Compositor e intérprete, tem participado de vários festivais, populares e sacros, desde a juventude. Gravou em parceria com o amigo (Paulo Roberto Silva), um LP em 1982, intitulado Acorda, Povo!, onde consta duas composições suas: Mensageiros do Senhor, Rumo à LIberdade. Compôs também a música Meu Velho e querido imigrante, em homenagem ao seu avô, imigrante italiano, retratando um pouco de sua vid