My name is Maria Elena Sanchez and I am a solo artist. I was born in Cuba, raised in New York City, lived in Miami for some years, and now reside in Houston, TX. As a songwriter, my ultimate goal is to have my compositions sung and heard all over the world. I started playing piano by ear when I was 3 years old and singing as long as I can remember. I began my music career in my early 20's. In the meantime though, since I found lyrics easy to produce, I took to writing poetry; of which several have been published. My poetry inspires the readers and listeners, and arouses their emotions - I want my music to do the same. My composition's style is unique; I feel I do not sound like anyone else because my music comes from my heart and my mind, and only I have access to that. My music is influenced by rock, R&B, soul, jazz and many other styles. As for my style, I believe my style encompasses a rock/ballad and possibly R&B type of sound. When I write music, it comes from inside of me - I try NOT to sound like anyone else. I want my music to speak for itself. All the great artist that had the courage to create and not give up. I love music going back all the way to WWI - yes - it's great stuff, but from the '60s on - Hendrix, Doors, Beatles, Stones - rock in general, and don't forget Motown - I grew up in NYC and Motown was the way to go! My music is inspired by the many decades of songwriters that have shared with us their unique sounds. I want to inspire future songwriters with my sound. Thank you for dropping by. Wishing you the best . . . Maria Elena Sanchez Foley Entertainment has evaluated some of the songs on Maria Elena's new album "My World & I Know It" and on a rating scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest, has given a 5 out of 5 rating on her melodies - way to go! "It's also wonderful to see an Artist creating music with a positive message. The song you dedicated to the people involved with the tragedy in Newtown, CT was very strong, emotional and moving. Keep up the great work in 2013 and beyond. Thanks Maria!" Foley Entertainment ("Watching Over You" is song dedicated to the people of Newtown, CT.) ---------"It is never too late to release music as it is timeless and this can be said for poet and musician Maria Elena Sanchez." Indie Music Reviews - Review ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"How you got started in the music world? I got started when I was given a toy piano at the age of 3 . . ." Vents Magazine - Interview