PowHERhouse Winter 2016 | Page 24

PowHERhouse Portrait

Barbara Mowat

POWHERHOUSE interviews Barbara Mowat,

President and Founder of GroYourBiz™

and Impact Communications Ltd.

Barbara, what fuels you?

"I’ll ask you back, ‘What do you stand for?’

People talk about core values all the time but they don’t realize how important core values are in shaping your vision and your culture. Everything that you do reflects what your company values. That helps you with decision-making, educating clients and potential customers. It really speaks to who you are. Your core values take a long time to develop, and then put into daily practice. It is my core values that fuels me.

growyourbiz.com @growyourbiz

I’ve worked for many years in developing countries, and one thing I learned is that it really is up to us to help each other grow. What it’s all about for me is connecting with people and helping each other grow. Collaboration fuels me!

I want to create models, conferences, events that are practical and effective but are also transportable to other countries, including developing countries.

growyourbiz.com @growyourbiz