Let’s consider some of the challenges women and men face as role modification occurs today:
1. Popeye the Sailor Man Syndrome. Many of you may remember the character Popeye, the star of a highly watched cartoon years ago. One of Popeye’s favourite sayings was “I yam what I yam and tha’s all what I yam.”
For decades men were not expected to be home caretakers at any significant level. That work was primarily left for women to handle. The rub today is that more women than ever are in the workforce, and need to share more of the home front responsibilities with their men; (many of whom) still hold a Popeye’s view of what their roles are as financial providers and breadwinners outside of the home. Because of this, women and men are struggling relationally.
2. I-Can-Do-Anything-You-Can-Do-Better Syndrome. What do we mean by this? For the most part, men have been told (and continue to be told by media and society today) that they are ‘dumb’ when it comes to homecare responsibilities: poor cooks, poor decision-makers when it comes to their children, terrible house-keepers, and so on. Society makes it easy for men to use the excuse of being inept. The fact is, most men worth their salt can learn and grow into new and expanded roles – and, in fact, if women are going to be truly successful pursuing their careers men MUST successfully do so!
3. Communication, communication, communication. It is the key. Knowing how and when responsibilities get done builds unity in the approach and results. Communicating with one another to create a workable system and avoid resentment are critical.
In order for more and more women to step up as professional, business and community leaders across Canada, our thinking and our actions must shift! Men and women need to continue to transition away from traditional family views and roles and establish progressive relationship norms that allow for success at home and at work for the entire family.
In our next PowHERcouple article in this series, we dig deeper into the how and why of the new norms for couples in today's society, ensuring true, joint success is achieved together for both careers and home.