Want to give us your opinion ? Send your letters to writer @ powerculturemag . com . We would LOVE to hear from you !
Goldie Erowele
Monica Williams
Misha Granado
Keithra Morley
Creating Power Culture Magazine brought so many lessons , opinions and feedback . Here ’ s what our readers had to say about Issue 3 of PC ...
Check out Our Last Issue
Here ’ s what our readers had to say about our last issue , the Writer ’ s Power Manual
Want to give us your opinion ? Send your letters to writer @ powerculturemag . com . We would LOVE to hear from you !
Goldie Erowele
Kristi Kristi . What can I say , FANTASTIC . This issue is just for me . All the motivation , info , tips , resources that I need to kickstart and finish my ebook for my upcoming launch . This one is quite loaded . Have to read it like I read Aunty O ' s , ( Oprah ) magazine , after kids are in bed . Yes , Nigerians claim everyone ... including YOU . Really pretty cover !
Monica Williams
Awesome ! I appreciate you sharing !! There was one quote from the founder ’ s note that really resonated with me : " what sometimes seemed like failure , was actually clarity ." Loved this .. keep up the great work !!
Misha Granado
Absolutely adore the way Power Culture Mag is cultivating love in the lives of women entrepreneurs ! Thank you for following your passion and honoring your purpose . You are definitely an ' elbow !' If you are not familiar with the founder of Women CEO Project I implore you to visit to learn more about this amazing woman , her vision and most importantly the ACTION she takes to make it all a reality !
Keithra Morley
Love this edition and all of the articles !