Tara : It was a lovely day . I was panicking . I was upset and nervous because my dad wasn ' t
alive to be there and I wanted him to share the day with us . Anytime I get nervous and upset , I get giddy . So when it was time for me to process down the aisle , I was walking down the aisle saying to everyone , ' Thank y ' all for coming '. ( laughing )
Shanna : ( laughing )
Wardell : ( laughing ) Our wedding was like having one of your friends marry you . It was just the
type of day that felt right even though we had lots of things go wrong . It wasn ' t a lot of people there but you felt a lot of love . This wedding felt like ours . Even though the wedding ran late , we left the rings , and Tara ' s son had to go back 40 plus miles to get it , it was perfect . My nonverbal son learned a new word from Tara ' s daughter and although he seldom spoke ... all day that day he kept saying ' Psychopath '. ( laughing )
Tara : ( laughing ) My daughter
taught him that word ! We were just so happy that he was verbalizing ! It didn ' t matter that the word was psychopath ! It was truly a memorable moment having my children and his children there together . I love my blended family !
Shanna : That is such a profound
and unique love story ! Tell me , how did you guys initially meet each other ? Let ' s rewind time back 16 years prior .
Tara : I was working at a restaurant in downtown Georgetown . Near where I worked was a
bakery that I would always go to . One day , I saw Wardell , because he was working at Apex Barbershop near the bakery . I saw him , but he looked so mean ! Every time I went to the bakery , I would see him , but even though he looked mean I decided to take my son to that barbershop to get his hair cut . I got passed him looking mean and decided to try him out as a barber for my son .
Wardell : Yes , she brought in her son and she came in and sat down and started talking to
other people in the barber shop . I said to her ' So , you can talk huh ' and that started our initial conversations . I noticed her going to the bakery . I remember she would wear those cute Levi jeans . I would say to myself , ' Look at those Levi ' s …. ohhhh they look nice '. ( laughs )
Tara : ( laughing loudly )
Wardell : I asked the girl who worked at the bakery who Tara was and eventually I asked Tara out on a date . Our first date was actually a double date .
Tara : After 2 dates , Wardell reminded me so much of my dad . I felt that my dad would love him .
Wardell : Tara is very important to me . She helps me to be the type of parent I want to be to
my 3 boys . My boys are active . Tara helps a lot with that . She takes them to their extracurricular activities . She is so supportive . Tara is the reason why there is a Nu Image Salon .
Shanna : Wow , Tara this is awesome how he speaks of you . You really do sound like what the epitome of what a wife should be .
Wardell : She truly is . I was working at a salon under a stylist and paying booth rent . The owner stylist moved away and I had a very short time to transition to a new salon . I was stuck . I