Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 96

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 95 j C HAPTER N INE i Lord, Instruct Me as I Put My Life in Right Order T abitha was a disciple of Christ. A female disciple! This means she was a believer who followed faithfully the teachings of Jesus. She also did many good works and charitable deeds which bene?ted others. As a result, she was dearly loved. Some time after Jesus was cruci?ed and had risen, Tabitha became ill and died. Several men went to ?nd Peter, one of the original 12 disciples, and bring him back to where Tabitha’s body was being prepared for burial. When Peter arrived at the house, he went to the upper room where she had been laid. He asked the women who were weeping over her to leave him alone in the room, and then he knelt down to pray. When Peter ?nished praying, he turned toward the dead woman’s body and said, “Tabitha, arise.” Immediately she opened her eyes and sat up. Extending his hand to her, Peter helped her to her feet. When all the people saw that Tabitha had been brought back from the dead, many believed in the Lord (Acts 9:36-42). 95