Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 80

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 79 j C HAPTER S EVEN i Lord, Rule Me in Every Area of My Life I know a young man who has a heart for God and is tremendously gifted to lead worship and teach the Word. But he can’t bring himself to fully surrender his life to the Lord. He continues to live his own way, doing his own thing, and is constantly frustrated that nothing has worked out in his life—not only his personal life, but also his career and ?nances. I know if he would just say, “Whatever You want, Lord, I will do it” and truly live that out, God would use him powerfully and every part of his life would be blessed. Why do some people never seem to grow in the Lord? Why is it they go from one calamity to the next, never able to get beyond survival mode? Why do they seldom, if ever, experience the joy of the Lord? Spritual breakthrough? A deeper of relationship with Him? The release to step out in the area of their gifting? Why can’t they move forward into the purposes and destiny God has for them? The answer, I believe, lies in the word “surrender.” They have not fully surrendered everything to God. They have not truly made Jesus Lord over their lives. 79