Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 74

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 73 Lord, Show Me… 73 of the devil. He is a clever deceiver who will come to each one of us and try to speak lies into our minds. We have to be ready for him. The Lies We Believe Do you ever have certain thoughts that play over and over in your mind like an old broken record? Have you ever had a thought come to your mind that produces a physical feeling in your body, such as a pain in your heart, a queasy sensation in the pit of your stomach, tightness in your throat, weakness in your arms and legs, tears in your eyes, a rash on your face and neck? Do “what if ” thoughts ever plague your mind, such as “What if I jumped off the balcony?” or “What if I ran my car into that wall?” Have you ever had “if only” thoughts? Such as, “If only I hadn’t done that.” “If only I had been there.” “If only I would have said something.” Do you ever have self-punishing thoughts? “No one cares about me.” “I’m such a failure.” “I’m no good.” “Nothing I do turns out right.” If you’ve had thoughts like these, please know that this is not God giving you revelation for your life. It is the enemy trying to gain control of your mind. Life has much suffering, but too often we suffer unnecessarily because of lies we believe about ourselves and our circumstances. We accept as fact the words that are spoken to our souls by an enemy who wants us destroyed. We can become fearful, depressed, lonely, angry, doubtful, confused, insecure, hopeless, beaten down, worried, and full of selfpity, all because of lies we believe. But we can overcome each one of these lies with prayer, faith, and the truth of God’s Word. You must be aware, however, that one of the enemy’s tactics is to try and steal God’s Word from you. He will do