Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 68

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 67 Lord, Strengthen Me… 67 that is to become like him. You would have to stand for what he represents. As long as you have a heart for the things of God, you are his target. Keep in mind that the greater your commitment is to the Lord, the more the devil will try to harass you. That’s why if you are moving into a deeper level of commitment to God, or coming into a new time of deliverance and freedom, or entering into new ministry or work God is opening up for you, you can depend on your enemy trying to stop it. He will do all he can to wear you down with discouragement, sickness, confusion, guilt, strife, fear, depression, or defeat. He may try to threaten your mind, your emotions, your health, your work, your family, or your relationships. He will try to get you to give up. Even though he is not close to being as powerful as God, he attempts to make you think otherwise. He will try to gain a point of rule in your life through deception. He will try to blind you to the truth and get you to believe his lies. He will try to convince you he is winning the battle, but the truth is that he has already lost. This is the deal. The devil has come to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus has come to give you life abundantly. Hmm. Let’s see. Death and destruction from Satan. Life and abundance from Jesus. Does that mean if you’re not living a life of abundance then the devil must be robbing you? I think that’s a good possibility, especially since this is his life goal. The only other possibility is that you have not truly aligned yourself with God and are not living His way. Ask God to show you the truth about your situation. Don’t let the enemy of your soul talk you into accepting anything less than what God has for you.