Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 61

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 60 60 The Power of a Praying Woman c My Prayer to God Lord, Your Word says that those of us who love Your law will have great peace and nothing will cause us to stumble (Psalm 119:165). I love Your law because I know it is good and it is there for my bene?t. Enable me to live in obedience to each part of it so that I will not stumble and fall. Help me to obey You so that I can dwell in the con?dence and peace of knowing I am living Your way. My heart wants to obey You in all things, Lord. Show me where I am not doing that. If there are steps of obedience I need to take that I don’t understand, I pray You would open my eyes to see the truth and help me to take those steps. I know I can’t do all things right without Your help, so I ask that You would enable me to live in obedience to Your ways. “With my whole heart I have sought You; oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!” (Psalm 119:10). Your Word says that “if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8). I don’t want to deceive myself by not asking You where I am missing the mark You have set for my life. Reveal to me when I am not doing things I should be doing. Show me if I’m doing things I should not. Help me to hear Your speci?c instructions to me. Speak to me clearly through Your Word so I will know what’s right and what’s wrong. I don’t want to grieve the Holy Spirit in anything I do (Ephesians 4:30). Help me to be ever learning about Your ways so I can live in the fullness of Your presence and move into all You have for me. c c c