Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 57

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 56 56 The Power of a Praying Woman I am—undisciplined and unteachable.” We have no excuse for not doing what we need to do when God says He will enable us to do it if we will just call upon Him for help. All we have to say is, “Lord, help me to be disciplined enough to obey You the way You want me to so I can become the person You created me to be.” Without the perfecting, balancing, re?ning work of His Holy Spirit, the freedom you have in Christ will turn into a license to do anything you want. Personal Obedience In addition to the rules we all have to obey, there are speci?c things God asks each of us to do as individuals in order to move us into the purpose He has for our lives. These are different for each person. For example, eight years ago God instructed my husband and me to move from California to Tennessee. This was not something I wanted to do nor did the thought of doing that ever enter my mind. I was happy where I was and didn’t want to leave. But because it was a clear directive from God, we packed up and obeyed. The reasons why we moved have become increasingly evident over the years, and I am so grateful we heard God’s directive and followed it. But we probably wouldn’t have heard if we hadn’t actually said the words, “Lord, show us what we are supposed to be doing.” It’s important that you keep asking God to show you what He wants you to do. If you don’t ask, you won’t know. It’s that simple. For example, God may ask you to take a different job, stop a certain activity, join a certain church, or change the way you’ve always done something. Whatever He asks you to do, remember He does this for your greatest blessing. But you must understand that you may not hear Him speaking to you at all if you are not taking the other