Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 52

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 51 Lord, Help Me… that I won’t hold back forgiveness from others. I realize that my forgiving someone doesn’t make them right; it makes me free. I also realize that You are the only one who knows the whole story, and You will see justice done. Help me to forgive myself for the times I have failed. And if I have blamed You for things that have happened in my life, show me so I can confess it before You. Enable me to love my enemies as You have commanded in Your Word. Teach me to bless those who curse me and persecute me (Matthew 5:44-45). Remind me to pray for those who hurt or offend me so that my heart will be soft toward them. I don’t want to become hard and bitter because of unforgi veness. Make me a person who is quick to forgive. Lord, show me if I have any unforgiveness toward my mother or father for anything they did or did not do. I don’t want to shorten my life by not honoring them and breaking this great commandment. And where there is distance between me and any other family member because of unforgiveness, I pray You would break down that wall. Help me to forgive every time I need to do so. Where I can be an instrument of reconciliation between other family members who have broken or strained relationships, enable me to do that. I don’t want anything to come between You and me, Lord, and I don’t want my prayers to be hindered because I have entertained sin in my heart. I choose this day to forgive everyone and everything, and walk free from the death that unforgiveness 51