Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | 页面 41

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 40 40 The Power of a Praying Woman means admitting in full detail what you have done and then fully repenting of it. Full Repentance It’s one thing to recognize when you have done something that has violated God’s laws; it’s another to be saddened by it to such a degree that you are determined to never do it again. That’s repentance. Repentance means to change your mind. To turn and walk the other way. Repentance means being so deeply sorry for what you have done that you will do whatever it takes to keep it from happening again. Confession means we recognize we have done wrong and admit our sin. Repentance means we are sorry about our sin to the point of grief, and we have turned and walked away from it. Repenting of something doesn’t necessarily mean we will never commit that sin again. It means we don’t intend to ever commit it again. So if you ?nd that you have to confess the same sin again after you have only recently confessed and repented of it, then do it. Don’t let the enemy saddle you with guilt and ride on your back shouting words of failure in your ear. Confess and repent as many times as necessary to throw him off and see yourself win the battle over this problem. Don’t entertain thoughts such as, Surely God won’t forgive me again for the same thing I just confessed to Him last week. He forgives every time you confess sin before Him and fully repent of it. “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered” (Psalm 32:1). You can turn things around in your life when you turn to the Lord and repent. Learn to confess and repent quickly so that the death process that is set in motion each time we violate God’s rules is not given time to do it’s full damage, “for the wages