Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 36

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 35 j C HAPTER T WO i Lord, Cleanse Me and Make My Heart Right Before You efore we go any further, let’s get something straight. That is, you and I are not perfect. No one is perfect. None of us has arrived. None of us is incapable of sin. None of us is without problems. None of us have walked so long with the Lord that we know it all and therefore have nothing to learn. None of us is so complete that we don’t need anything from God. None of us has it all together. There! It’s out in the open. Please don’t think I said this because I believe you need to know it. To the contrary, I believe you already do know it. I said it because I want you to know that we all know it. We know it about ourselves and we know it about each other. Therefore, we can be completely honest with ourselves about ourselves. I don’t want you to feel when reading this book that you have to live up to some impossibly high standard for your life. This book is not about living up to a standard. It’s B 35