Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 30

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 29 Lord, Draw Me… 29 unless we spend time alone with Him. It’s in those private times that we are refreshed, strengthened, and rejuvenated. It’s then we can see our lives from God’s perspective and discover what is really important. That’s where we understand who it is we belong to and believe in. God has so much to speak into your life. But if you don’t draw apart from the busyness of your day and spend time alone with Him in quietness and solitude, you will not hear it. Jesus Himself spent much time alone with God. If anyone could get away with not doing it, surely it would have been Him. How much more important must it be for us? I know ?nding time alone to pray can be dif?cu lt. Especially when the enemy of your soul doesn’t want you to do that. But if you will make it a priority by setting a speci?c time to pray daily, perhaps writing it in your calendar the way you would any other important date, and determine to keep that standing appointment with God, you’ll see answers to your prayers like never before. Remember, if you haven’t been praying much, you can’t expect things to change overnight. It takes a while to get the enormous ocean liner of your life turned around and headed in a different direction. It doesn’t immediately reposition itself the moment you begin steering. In fact, you may hardly see any changes at ?rst. It’s the same way with prayer. Prayer can turn your life around, but it doesn’t always happen the moment you utter your ?rst words. It may take a time of continued prayer before you actually see the scenery change. This is normal, so don’t give up. You will soon be heading full speed in a new direction. Far too often people give up just before their breakthrough into the realm of answered prayer. Remember, this trip is not a mini-vacation tour around the harbor, it’s a lifelong voyage to meet your destiny. Giving up is not an option.