Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 28

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 27 Lord, Draw Me… 27 is about an intimate walk with God and the wholeness that will be worked in you because of it. I Know What You Want I traveled all over the United States speaking to women’s groups during three of the last four years. Nearly everywhere I went in that period of time, I took a survey for a book I was writing called The Power of a Praying® Husband. I wanted to know how women most wanted to be prayed for. Their response was not surprising, but the fact that it was unanimous in every city and every state was amazing. The number one personal need of all women surveyed was that they would grow spiritually and have a deep, strong, vital, life-changing, faith-?lled walk with God. I eventually stopped taking the survey because the results were always the same. I got the point! I’m sure that you, like me and many women, want a deep, intimate, loving relationship with God. You wouldn’t be reading this book if you didn’t. You long for the closeness, the connection, the af?rmation that who you are is good and desirable. But God is the only one who can give all that to you all of the time. Your deepest needs and longing will only be met in an intimate relationship with Him. No person will ever reach as deeply into you as God will. No one can ever know you as well or love you as much. That insatiable longing for more that you feel, the emptiness you want those closest to you to ?ll, is put there by God so that He can ?ll it. God wants us to want Him. And when we realize that it’s Him that we want, we become free. We are free to identify the longings, loneliness, and emptiness inside of us as our signal that we need to draw near to God with open arms and ask Him to ?ll us with more of Himself. But this deep and intimate relationship with God that we all desire and