Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 19

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 18 18 The Power of a Praying Woman and that you ask God to ?ll you with His Holy Spirit so He can empower you to move into all He has for you. The Bible says, “be ?lled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). Life works better when we do what the Bible says. The Power to Become All God Made You to Be Today, more and more believing women are being given an open door to become all they were created to be. They are moving out in different areas of expertise and ministry and making an important difference in the lives of those whom God puts in their realm of in?uence. They are learning to rely on the power of God to prepare them and open the doors. They are also realizing that they are not just an afterthought in the order of God’s creation, but they were created for a special purpose. They might not know exactly what that purpose is or all that it entails, but they know that it is to do good for others and glorify God. An important reason more women are rising up to ful?ll the destiny God has for them is because men are rising up to their place of spiritual authority and leadership. This is an answer to the prayers of countless women and something for which we must praise God. Women need this spiritual covering. When it’s done right—with strength, humility, kindness, respect, and understanding—and not with abuse, arrogance, self-promotion, cruelty, harshness, or lovelessness, it becomes a place of safety for a woman. Being in right order in our lives is something to be desired. The Bible says that “the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head” (1 Corinthians 11:10). This means spiritual authority, and it is very important. Everyone is supposed to be submitted to divinely appointed authority. It’s part of God’s order. God won’t pour into our lives all He has for us until we are in right relationship with the proper