Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 13

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 12 12 The Power of a Praying Woman determine, and certainly not easy to label. We women know what we think we need most of the time. We are able to recognize the obvious. But we are often too emotionally involved in the people around us and the day-to-day existence of our lives to be able to ?gure out how we should be praying for ourselves beyond the immediate and urgent. Sometimes we can be so overwhelmed by our circumstances that our prayer is simply a basic cry for help. Do you ever have times when your life seems out of control? Do you ever feel pressured, as if your days are so busy that you fear you’re missing out on a certain quality of life because of it? Do you worry that you are neglecting one or more areas of your life because you are trying to ?ll numerous roles and meet many expectations? I’ve experienced that too. Have you ever felt as if your life is stuck in one place and you’re going nowhere? Or worse yet, you are going backward? Have you had times when you’ve lost your vision for the future? Or have you never really had one to begin with? Have you wondered whether you can actually move into the full purpose and destiny God has for you? Have you experienced feelings of emptiness, frustration, or unful?llment? I, too, have felt all those things. Do you hunger for a greater sense of the Lord’s presence in your life? Do you desire to know God in a deeper way? Do you want to serve Him better and more completely but don’t feel you have the time, energy, or opportunity to do so? Do you need to spend more time with Him in prayer? Do you want your prayers to be accompanied by greater faith so that you can see greater answers to them? Do you need a more complete knowledge and understanding of God’s Word? Do you ever just long to throw your arms wide open