Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 112

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 111 j C HAPTER E LEVEN i Lord, Bless Me in the Work I Do I know what it’s like to go to bed hungry. When I was a child, we were so poor there were many times when we had no food in the house and no way of getting any. That feeling of hunger was frightening, and the fear never left me, even after I grew up. In fact, this fear caused me to always work hard in order to ensure it would never happen again. It drove me to take every baby-sitting job I could get, for 50 cents an hour on weekends, instead of being with my friends when I was a young teenager. It’s what made me work after school most days and into the night, plus all day Saturday and Sunday, when I was in high school and college. Even after I left college and was in the workforce, I held down two jobs instead of one for the same reason. Always in the back of my mind was the fear that there wouldn’t be enough money for food, so I often labored beyond what my body and mind could take. It wasn’t until I came to know the Lord and began to understand the way He provides for His children that I ?nally got rid of the fear. It was such a relief to discover that I could trust God to take care of me. I no longer had to kill 111