Power and Responsibility clone_march.4.2013 | Page 6

Macbeth and Spider Man wrap up

So for spiderman power corrupted his life. It clouded up what was really important to him. In the end it was him being accountible of what happen to his family. To us, viewers and my self , we can relate to spiderman in the fact that we are sometimes caught up with the "power "( in modern days what is called "swag") and totally lose focus on what is really important. Once we lose it we wouldn't know how much we really need it.

Macbeth is similar to spiderman in the sense that they both are driven by their power. Macbeth is diffrent because he power hungary. This is important because it blinds the responsibility of his duty to the kingdom, his wife, his friends etc. In conclusion we can identify ourselves in Macbeth because somtimes we completly abandon are responsibility for boosted power.