Power and Responsibility clone_march.4.2013 | Página 3

Who Are They?

Macbeth was a scottish war man of king Duncan (right hand man) who was phrosized to become the next King of scotland. He forcefully obtained that role in scotland due to his fierce and emotional wife, Lady Macbeth. Throughout

Macbeth the book, Macbeth finds himself clouded with power and disregards his responsibility.

Lady Macbeth is Macbeth's wife who experiences many mood swings throught the play and may be considored the person who caused the whole tradgedy of Macbeth.

Peter Parker is an intern for a science professor, a college student, a newspaper photogropher and has an alter ego as a radioactive superhuman that fights crime. He tries to do what he thinks is right in the public eye and his social life but he suffers managing his power and responsibility.

Uncle Ben is a Father figure of The amazing spiderman who passes early on in the story. Right before he passes something happened that changed Spidermans entire life.