PoundTravel - July 2016 Volume 1 | Page 7

HOTEL NEWS & REVIEWS Share 1 TRAVEL INDUSTRY NEWS TOURISM-AND-HOLIDAYS Secret of chocolates on hotel cushions From London to New York on the highway  July 7, 2016  July 2, 2016 Anyone who was lucky to be accommodated in a good hotel enjoyed probably the ritual candy on the pillow. Mint, chocolate mint or chocolate, sweet surprise on freshly cleaned Bryan Adams guitar ruined by Egyptian airport customs  July 2, 2016 laundry is a nice gesture from the hotel A keep running in with traditions at Cairo owners, who at least has a story interesting. airplane terminal has left shake artist Bryan […] Adams raging, after an outskirt operators scribbled a number on his guitar. Bryan Share this: Share Share 37 1 Share 1 Adams says guitar defaced by Egyptian customs officials (CNN) It’s hard to say subm it whether Bryan Adams‘ guitar […] 2 Share this: Share Railway company President of Russia Vladimir Iakunin, proposed a plan for a Trans-Siberian highway that would link the country to the eastern border of the US state of Alaska, passing over the Bering Strait, which separates Asia from North America, reports CNN . The plan […] Share this: Share 1 Share Share 1 subm it Share 38 19 0 3 subm it open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API pdfcrowd.com