Potential Magazine Summer 2020 | Page 22

SCHOOLNEWS Look what River Region schools and students are accomplishing TRINITY SCHOOL SHOW CHOIR PERFORMS AT DISNEYLAND TALLASSEE BASKETBALL MAKES HISTORY The Tallassee Tigers basketball team, led by Coach Keiven Mixson advanced to the Regional Playoffs for the first time in school history. The Tigers finished the season with another school record of 27 wins and only 5 losses. The Tigers have continued to rack up the awards in three years having won the past two Elmore County Tournaments and have won 2 out of 3 area championships. In three seasons, the Tigers are 64-23 with a 28 home game winning streak in the past two years. L2 | Summer 2020 www.potentialmagazine.com Trinity’s Arts Department recently took twenty-five 10th-12th grade Show Choir and Dance Ensemble students on a whirlwind tour of southern California! During the 5-day trip, they had the privilege of taking multiple classes with both Disney Performing Arts and Millennium Dance Complex, all from well-known instructors such as famous YouTuber and choreographer Matt Steffanina and vocal contractor/singer, Vangie Gunn. An added benefit of the trip was performing live on stage at Disneyland on Valentines Day!