pay the way
service based scholarships
The Value in
Besides being a bullet point to add to your
resume–and, honestly, just a nice thing to
do–community service also opens the doors
to experience life more fully and provides
opportunities that may not be found elsewhere.
Service can teach you about yourself, allow you to
grow and hone important skills, and lead you to
discover passions and life paths you never knew
you could have. For teens especially, community
service can also be a great way to receive
scholarships for college.
There can only be one valedictorian or captain of the football
team; however, service allows anyone the chance to stand out in
their community–and on an application. Being an active volun-
teer proves that you have empathy and interpersonal skills and
are committed to helping and inspiring others, especially if you
display leadership within your service organization of choice.
For example, many GlamourGals volunteers who either founded
their local chapter or dedicated themselves to an existing chapter
as an active leader have earned awards and scholarships ranging
from $1,000 to full rides all because of the meaningful service
they have done!
GlamourGals is a nonprofit that inspires conversation and com-
panionship through complimentary beauty makeovers given by
teen volunteers to residents in senior homes, as up to 60% of the
1.4 million seniors in residential care in the U.S. never receive
visitors. The GlamourGals program fosters these intergenera-
tional connections on a national scale by organizing a network of
volunteer chapters and training a movement of empathetic teen
leaders to alleviate the issue of elder isolation.
of seniors in
residential care
never receive
| Summer 2020
Starting a GlamourGals chapter is a fantastic way to make a
difference while also developing imperative life and professional
skills. Additionally, GlamourGals gives volunteers three ways to
turn their service into scholarship and use their service experi-
ence to help them achieve their academic goals.
GlamourGals scholarships. Each year, Glamour-
Gals awards five volunteers with a $1,000 academic scholar-
ship towards their tuition for the upcoming year.
Saint Peter’s University scholarships. Glamour-
Gals has established a relationship with Saint Peter’s Uni-
versity in Jersey City to create the Intergenerational Service
Scholarship, which awards dedicated GlamourGals volunteers
$20,000 per year for four years. Outstanding GlamourGals
volunteers are also eligible candidates for the Presidential
Scholarship Award, which is a full-tuition scholarship to
attend the university.
Outside scholarships. Many volunteers have earned
outside scholarships and awards due to their diligent work
with organizations.
If you are interested in starting a GlamourGals chapter, please
email [email protected].
Article Contributor: GlamourGals Foundation