college 101
career preparation
By Zach Thomas
Ask just about any college
student what motivates their
studies and many will say
something to the effect that
they’re looking to earn a degree
that will lead them into a
professional career. That’s all
well and good: college is a great
place to learn more about who
you are as an individual and
discover careers that are the
right fit for you.
Something that doesn’t always get said,
however, is that a college degree isn’t a
magic key that unlocks the job door. You
will be competing for highly-coveted jobs
with many other talented, smart, and
enthusiastic college grads—anything that
can set you apart from the pack should
be prioritized.
Job-Getting Trifecta
For employers, one of the things that they
look for most in potential employees is:
• Relevant work experience
• Technical skills specific to the job
• Robust set of professional competencies
• Ability to clearly communicate and
effectively collaborate
• Interest in diversity, equity, and inclusion
• Capacity for project management
Also, improving these resume-fortifying
components sometimes gets ignored by
college students in the rush to complete a
college degree in four years or less.
| Summer 2020
To address this issue, the Culverhouse
College of Business at The University
of Alabama has launched a professional
development platform called UA Busi-
ness LEAD. The program is designed to
develop key professional competencies
that complement traditional academic
learning and will be required of all busi-
ness undergrads starting in fall 2020.
Day 1 Ready
UA Business LEAD includes a three-
course professional development
sequence, the Culverhouse Connections
Series, and capstone experiences such as
internships and study abroad.
It’s all enabled by a tech platform that
tracks student engagement and creates
an e-portfolio shareable with prospective
According to David Mothersbaugh,
associate dean for undergraduate and
international programs at Culverhouse
and who along with his team is leading
this initiative, “Industry increasingly
demands our students be ‘Day 1 Ready.’”
“Academic learning is necessary but not
sufficient in today’s job market. Pro-
fessional competencies weigh heavily
in hiring decisions and are essential to
student success. UA Business LEAD is a
signature initiative, designed to build key
professional competencies, and create
‘Day 1 Ready’ leaders.”
Career Cultivation
In addition to new and exciting programs
that engage students with prospective
employers and cultivate professional
skills, Culverhouse also has a career ser-
vices center that goes above and beyond.
As you might guess by its name, the
Career Center at Culverhouse is the
home within the College for assistance on
crafting a solid resume and cover letter
and how to dress on the job. It’s also a
nexus for special events and mentoring
opportunities that connect students one-
on-one with established professionals
from all sorts of industries.
Elizabeth Iniguez, a senior at Culver-
house, described the insights she gleaned
from one of those connections, Derek
Lewis an executive at PepsiCo North
American Beverages, who visited Cul-
verhouse in the fall of 2019. Iniguez said,
“[Lewis advised us] to build relationships
with all people and understand their
point of view—to work with individuals
who one may not automatically choose
from in order to create a more diverse
and effective team.”
Other recent corporate visitors include
execs from the Walt Disney Company,
Lockheed Martin Corporation, and Delta
Air Lines. All of them took the opportu-
nity to meet with students and provide
insights on what it’s like working within
their respective companies.
Whether it’s making real connections
with industry leaders or enhancing
a student’s ability to navigate the
workplace, the Culverhouse College
of Business has a full array of exciting
programs and initiatives. To learn
more, visit