21. Say hi to people, you may never see
them again after graduation
34. Tell that teacher who encouraged
you how much you appreciate them
23. Revel in the nostalgia, but live in the
present too
24. Go out of your comfort zone—you
may make a fool of yourself but
people will enjoy it, and you will
look back on it fondly
25. Go on an adventure with your
friends, some of them won't be
around forever
Take one last lap
through your high
school with your
closest friends
Do random things
with random groups
of people—They
might become your
best memories
36. Enjoy strictly in-class-ask-for-
their expiration date is coming up
37. Regret literally nothing—no shame,
no gain am I right?
43. Make a memory/scrapbook (no,
they aren’t out of style.) You’ll be
glad you did
44. College is awesome, but appreciate
the memories with your childhood
best friends, there’s nothing like
27. Laugh—at everyone, at everything
28. Hang out with your younger sib-
lings—They're going to miss you
29. Form that conversational
Make so many
memories and have
SO MUCH fun.
relationship with your parents
38. Make your friends’ birthdays a big
deal. It may be the last time you're
all together for it
30. Go out of your way to say thank you
31. Get involved
32. Have lots and lots of sleepovers
Long story short, you’re
in one of the best times
of your life so far. Enjoy
every single second.
Don't stress—you'll
do plenty of that in
40. Talk to someone you have never
spoken to before
41. Talk to your friends about every-
Blast your favorite
songs and drive
around with your
best friends
thing—they're probably feeling the
same way
42. Go out to that restaurant after the
game—you’ll be tired either way
Spring 2020 |