Potential Magazine March 2015 | Page 18

COACHING OFF THE FIELD Every athlete is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all training program—what may work well for one athlete may be too intense for another. Plummer recommends that coaches help athletes develop a carefully planned training regimen offering varied intensity and adequate rest time. “Coaches should emphasize proper form during exercises, and athletes should be able to perform each exercise with little to no weight before weight is added,” she said. A FEW MORE TIPS COACHES CAN USE TO HELP REDUCE INJURIES: • Have an adult who knows proper lifting technique supervise all youth training programs • Limit high-intensity training to 2-3 days per week • Schedule at least one day off between high-intensity sessions for adequate recovery HOW DOES PLAYING MULTIPLE SPORTS= REST? It’s a good idea for young athletes to play multiple sports, if they want to. “When you play a different sport, you use different sets of muscles and rest the muscles from the previous sport,” Fuller said. For example, a basketball player who plays baseball or softball in the spring uses more upper body muscles, giving the lower body muscles a break. It also provides a mental “rest.” “The practices are different, game situations challenge different movements and thought processes and the intensity levels are different,” Fuller said. Look for training programs that involve the entire body and focus on sport-specific muscles. “If kids are going to play extended seasons, they must be on some kind of off-season training program,” Fuller said. “There is too much wear and tear to play and not prepare through a strength, flexibility and dynamic movement routine.” HOW MUCH TIME OFF? Athletes who don’t rest and train properly during the offseason increase their risk for injury and burnout. Mark Fuller, sports trainer and former Auburn University pitching coach, recommends taking at least two months during the year where the primary muscles used for a sport are shut down. Overhead athletes should avoid throwing a baseball, swinging a racket or spiking a volleyball for eight weeks. Likewise, running and full-body contact athletes should allow the same amount of time for their primary muscle groups to rest. “Although 62 percent of organized sports-related injuries occur during practice, one-third of parents do not have their children take the same safety precautions at practice that they would during a game.” —stopsportsinjuries.org BEWARE OF BURNOUT Parents should be aware of how often and how intensely their teen is training. Specializing in one sport also can increase the risk of burnout. “Listen to your kids. Parents, above everyone else, need to evaluate what is planned before saying ‘yes’ to the team. If the schedule looks ‘crazy’ it’s OK to say NO,” Fuller said. “Once you agree to play, it’s hard to change course.” 18 ASK THESE QUESTIONS BEFORE YOUR TEEN COMMITS: • How long are practices? • How many practices are scheduled? • How many tournaments are scheduled? • Does the team have a break with no practice/competition scheduled? Most importantly, parents should avoid putting unnecessary pressure on their teens. Don’t over- emphasize winning. “Tell them you love them, a