Potential Magazine Fall 2022 | Page 8

1 . Woodworking 2 . Cooking 3 . Spending the day on the lake

what i know now air force pilot

age : 27

a high-flying career jonathan gill hometown : Milton , GA

career : I am currently an F-16 pilot for the United States Air Force . I was a mechanic for almost six years in the guard while I was in college and in that time , I never lost focus of why I was there . I was able to build a reputation and network within the unit . After graduation , I was able to apply and got the job on my first interview . The hiring commander at the time knew I was hardworking and determined . I was then given the chance to be a F-16 pilot .
growing up : My parents ' names are Mike and Cherie Gill . Neither of my parents came from traditional college educations but have both been extremely successful in their lives . They are probably the most impactful individuals in my life because they encourage me to follow my passions . I attribute most of my success to my family ’ s supportiveness which has allowed me to go out into the world and chase my dreams even with the threat of failure .
education : I attended Auburn University and majored in Aerospace Engineering . When I first went to college , I wasn ’ t sure what I wanted to do . I just knew I wanted to do something with airplanes which is what drove me to choose Aerospace Engineering , and soon after , I decided I wanted to be an F-16 pilot . I sat down with a pilot from the 187th Fighter Wing and asked him what it was like to be a pilot and what he thought was the best way for me to become one . He encouraged me to enlist in the Alabama Air National Guard as an aircraft mechanic . Even though being a mechanic wasn ’ t what I wanted to do for the rest of my career , I can honestly say that I wouldn ’ t be where I am today if I wasn ’ t one .
Top 3 favorite things to do outside of work :

1 . Woodworking 2 . Cooking 3 . Spending the day on the lake

Best advice you ’ ve ever been given :

" Ain ' t nothing to it , but to do it ." parental impact : My father is by every definition of the term “ a self-made man ”. He didn ’ t come from a traditional college education but has found a way to provide an excellent life for himself and my family . The most important thing my father taught me is the value of hard work and determination . If you are willing to put in the work for the things you want in life , there is absolutely no limit on how successful you can be .

rookie mistake : Not having the appropriate school / social life balance . College is a lot of fun but sometimes you can forget why you are actually there . Knowing when to let loose and knowing when it ' s time to buckle down and get serious is a very big key in having a successful college career .
advice for teens : If you have an idea of what you want to do , come up with a plan on how to achieve it . It could be something that takes one year or ten years . It could have five steps or fifty steps but think of a way to make that goal a reality and start moving forward . After that , tell someone who will hold you accountable to your plan so that when you get down and lack the motivation to keep pursuing your dream , you have someone to lean on that will help encourage you .
8 | Fall 2022 www . potentialmagazine . com