Potential Magazine Fall 2022 | Page 20

college 101 dual enrollment





Did you know ?
The Dual Enrollment program at Southern Union State Community College allows eligible high school students to enroll in college courses , getting a jumpstart on their college credits while still in high school .
The objective of the dual enrollment program is to introduce students to the experience of college in a supportive environment , thus creating a more seamless transition to college . Students are able to see for themselves how high school classes compare to college courses .
Studies suggest that students who acquire college credit in high school are more likely to graduate from high school and continue their postsecondary education .
The opportunities are endless . Class options include career and technical programs as well as academic courses . Dual enrollment allows students to enroll in courses that may not be offered at their high school , and have access to many “ perks ” of college life .

Dual Enrollment FAQs :

What are the top reasons to consider dual enrollment at Southern Union ?

Cost Savings : Pay less than half of the cost for many courses being taught at four-year colleges and universities .

Simultaneous Credit : Coursework counts for both high school and college , at the same time .

Experience : Experience college early and ease the transition when graduating high school .

Achievement : Dual Enrollment students are more likely to enroll in college right out of high school and earn a higher GPA in their first year of college .
What grade level and GPA are required ?
Students must be in the 10th , 11th or 12th grade with a minimum cumulative ( unweighted ) grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale .
What Southern Union courses are offered for Dual Credit ?
Most courses offered at Southern Union are available for dual enrollment . The courses a student chooses each term must be listed on his or her Dual Enrollment Statement of Eligibility form and must be approved by the high school counselor , principal , and Southern Union . Dual Enrollment students may not enroll in developmental courses , physical education courses and co-requisite learning support courses since these types of courses do not have an equivalent high school course .
Is financial aid available to dual enrollment students ?
Students enrolling in academic dual enrollment courses are not eligible for federal financial aid ( such as Pell Grants ). The Southern Union Foundation provides a limited number of academic dual enrollment scholarships during each fall and spring semester . Students wishing to enroll in certain high wage , high demand Career and Technical Education programs may be eligible for a dual enrollment scholarship .
Since its inception , SUSCC has had two students complete their associate degree before earning their high school diploma . So , upon high school graduation , these students are able to go straight into the workforce . Can you think of a cheaper or quicker way to get into your specific field of study with a degree ? Neither can we !
For more information on the dual enrollment program at Southern Union please email dualenrollment @ suscc . edu .
20 | Fall 2022 www . potentialmagazine . com