Potential Magazine Fall 2022 | Page 12

happy + healthy

Empowering Teens Against Abusive Relationships teen abuse

Teens who have seen violent and abusive relationships at home are most at risk to become victims themselves .
Each year millions of young people become victims of dating violence and are subjected to physical , psychological and emotional abuse either in person , online , or through technology . According to CDC data taken from the 2019 Youth Behavior Risk Survey , it affects 1 in 12 teens .
Who is at Risk ?
Although there are many factors that increase the likelihood of becoming a victim of violence , family life plays a major role in outcomes . Teens who have seen violent and abusive relationships at home are most at risk to become victims themselves and are less likely to break free from those unhealthy relationships . As teens develop emotionally , they are heavily influenced by experiences in their relationships . Healthy relationship behaviors can have a positive effect on a teen ’ s emotional development . Unhealthy , abusive , or violent relationships can have severe consequences and short- and long-term negative effects on a developing teen . In short , parents have a responsibility to make certain that they are modeling healthy relationships at home , as “ being exposed to relationship violence as a child is linked with dating violence .”
“ Communicating with your date , managing uncomfortable emotions like anger and jealousy , and treating others with respect are a few ways to keep relationships healthy and nonviolent ,” Ms . Jones said .
“ Teens receive messages about how to behave in relationships from peers , adults in their lives , and the media . All too often these examples suggest that violence in a relationship is normal , but violence is never acceptable .”
— Sue C . Jones , B . S , M . Ed ., FOCUS Executive Director
Signs of Abuse
Parents , teachers , counselors , and friends should watch for these warning signs that a teen may be involved in an abusive relationship :
// Suspicious bruises or other injuries
// Failing grades
// Loss of interest in activities or hobbies that they once enjoyed
// Excusing their dating partner ’ s behavior
// Needing to respond immediately to calls or texts from their partner
// Fearfulness around their partner
Having a dating partner who is significantly ( three or more years ) older than the teen is a risk factor for experiencing forced sex .
Signs of an Abuser
// Insulting their partner


// Trying to control how their partner dresses and acts
// Constantly texting or sending instant messages ( IMs ) to monitor their partner
// Losing their temper and being unable to control their anger
// Threatening to hurt themselves or their partner in the case of a break-up
12 | Fall 2022 www . potentialmagazine . com