Potential Magazine Fall 2022 | Page 10


test prep FAQ ' s


8ACT Questions


The importance of standardized test scores have fluctuated dramatically in recent years . Many colleges and universities went test-optional for admissions and scholarships , some still required test scores for scholarships but not admissions and vice versa . A big question for high school students was : Should I even take the ACT ?
We recommend that you still take the ACT or SAT your junior year . Your first choice university may be test-optional , but what happens if something falls through with your first choice and your back up school requires scores and then it ’ s too late ?
Also , ACT and SAT scores always help when it comes to applying for academic scholarships ! We are here to answer a few questions about how to get your best score , or what to do with your score once you ’ ve gotten it .

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When is the right time to take the ACT for the first time ( freshman , sophomore , or junior year )? Most students take the ACT for the first time during their junior year . Students should give themselves enough time to take the test more than once before college application deadlines . If you don ’ t get the score you want the first time , you need to have enough time to take the test again before applications are due .
Is it better to have my scores sent directly to my chosen schools , or should I wait to see the results and then send them myself ? When registering for the ACT you may select four schools to receive your scores , free of charge . Unless it is a highly selective school , it is easier and cheaper to send your score before results are posted . The college you are applying to ( if they require test scores ) will always take your highest score when determining acceptance or scholarship eligibility ! Plus , after taking the test , it costs $ 16 per school to send your results .
I ’ ve taken the ACT a couple of times now and I ’ m still not happy with my score . I ’ d like to retake it at least one more time . Do colleges view multiple attempts negatively ? A general rule of thumb is to limit retakes of the ACT to no more than 5 . ACT allows score choice , meaning students control what score they send and where they send it . Students list the schools they would like to receive the scores at each sitting of the ACT .
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