Potential Magazine Fall 2017 | Page 22

Get Organized !

The laid-back days of summer are over — it ’ s time to gear up for another busy school year ! A disorganized space and a lack of routine can make things that much more stressful , but take the time now to get your ducks in a row and you ’ ll be better prepared to take on whatever the new year brings ! Read on for some proven tips on how to start the year at your best .
Clear the Clutter
First things first ! It ’ s time to get rid of unnecessary items that are just crowding your space . Go through closets , drawers , and every nook and cranny . Be ruthless ! If you haven ’ t used it over the last year , it ’ s time to let it go . Get boxes for donations and bags for trash and get busy . We promise it ’ ll be worth it !
A Place for Everything …
And everything in its place ! Designate a “ home ” for every item and make a real effort to always put things back where they belong . What takes a few extra seconds in the moment will save you hours of cleaning ( and searching !) down the road .
Get a Calendar
And use it ! Whether it ’ s a large wall calendar or an app , take a few minutes each day to add all important events and deadlines and review items already there . Put test and dedicated study times in your calendar to avoid eating into sleep time . On Sunday evenings , take a quick look at the week so you don ’ t get surprised . Tip : Try Google Calendar or the Smart Day app .
Make the Most of the Night Before
We know how rough early mornings can be ! Instead of having to deal with what to wear and gathering your things in the midst of morning brain fog , take the time the night before to lay out your clothes and make sure everything is packed up and ready for your day . Your motivation : doing this just might allow for a few more minutes of precious , precious sleep !
Be a List-Maker
A daily to-do list is a great way to stay on track . Keep the list handy , where it is easily accessible and easy to see and refer to it throughout the day . Cross tasks off as you complete them ; there ’ s no better feeling than looking at a list full of check marks !
Establish a Routine
It may sound boring , but having a good routine can actually make your week run more smoothly and give you more free time to do what you want . There ’ s no one way that ’ s right for everybody , but finding a consistent schedule makes your week more efficient . Set aside a regular study time and a consistent bedtime that allows for plenty of sleep , and stick with it !

Study Smart

Creating a study routine and having a dedicated , organized space can help you be more efficient , meaning you accomplish more in less time . That means more free time for you after you ’ ve knocked out all that homework !
Remember that calendar ?
Check it at the beginning of the week and create a study schedule for upcoming tests and quizzes .
Minimize distractions in your study space .
Music can be a distraction or a study aid depending on your studying style , but anything with video should be off-limits during study time .
Prepare before you start .
Lay out everything you might need so that you don ’ t have to keep getting up for notebooks or your laptop charger .
22 | Fall 2017 www . potentialmagazine . com