Postpartum and Baby Care Curriculum Partial Preview | Page 27




A baby born before 37 weeks gestation is considered preterm or premature . Generally , the earlier a baby is born , the more likely they are to need advanced medical care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit ( NICU ). The statistical chances of survival increase significantly after 23 weeks , although babies born this early are likely to require long and extensive medical care and may have life-long disabilities . Preterm babies born after 28 weeks have a 90 percent or higher chance of survival , but are still likely to require medical attention in correlation to their degree of prematurity . Along with gestational age , the size of a baby will also affect their chance of survival and health status .
Often , premature birth occurs without any clear indication as to why . Sometimes it can happen as a result of health issues or structural abnormalities in the mother . It may also be the result of trauma or lifestyle choices ( such as drug or alcohol use ). Preemies occur more frequently in mothers younger than 19 or older than 40 and in women who have had a prior premature birth .


Babies born prematurely are extremely vulnerable to infections and complications due to their immature systems . Some more common complications of prematurity include :
◦ Difficulty breathing , apnea ( a pause in breathing ) or respiratory distress syndrome ( RDS ): Since lungs develop toward the end or pregnancy , difficulty breathing or episodes of apnea are extremely common in preemies . There are a variety of effective treatment options , including medications and nasal devices . Some preemies may need to spend time using a ventilator until the lungs mature enough to breathe independently and maintain oxygen levels . In very premature infants , chronic lung disease may develop , or babies may have asthma-like symptoms , sometimes for months or years .
◦ Hyperbilirubinemia : Jaundice occurs more frequently in preemies and is usually more severe than in full-term infants . It is usually treated with phototherapy , or in severe cases , blood transfusions .
◦ Infection : Preemies are extremely vulnerable to infections of all kinds , including necrotizing enterocolitis ( NEC ), a disease which causes inflammation and infection of baby ’ s gastrointestinal ( GI ) tract . Breast milk can reduce the incidence of NEC , although it may need to be fed through a tube if their sucking ability has not fully developed .
◦ Anemia : low red blood cell count , which may need to be treated by giving baby a blood transfusion if levels become too low . This is also the course of action for low blood pressure in preemies .
◦ Blood vessel complications , such as excess blood flow to the lungs or other abnormalities , may lead to complications with the heart , lungs , eyes or other systems .