Postpartum and Baby Care Curriculum Partial Preview | Page 21



Evaluate the tools and materials that you will use to ensure they meet your needs and are current and high quality . You will find many recommendations throughout the lesson plans and course content you ’ ll use . We have added our recommendations for essential resources below . Many are available at plumtreebaby . com .
Resources Parent workbooks : P Settling In with Baby
Resources PowerPoint presentations :
Settling In with Baby
Posters :
General supplies : Getting to Know Your Newborn
Pens / pencils Newborn Needs
Dry erase board / markers
Newborn Care Practices


Soothing Your Baby Breastfeeding Your Newborn Breastfeeding Basics
Handouts : Breastfeeding Positions Newborn Hunger Cues Cesarean Birth Postpartum Recovery Postpartum Emotions

PLANNING YOUR COURSE Games / Activities :

Videos : Four included in the SIWB PPT
Other visual aids : Postpartum supplies Newborn demo dolls Diapers and supplies Newborn clothing / blankets Bathing supplies Other newborn supplies Breast models Breastfeeding supplies Breast pumps and bottles © PLUMTREE BABY , LLC