Postpartum and Baby Care Curriculum Partial Preview | Page 17



• Book : Settling In with Baby , pages 68 – 73 .
• PowerPoint presentation : Settling In with Baby slides 152 – 163 .
• Visual aids : videos , model breast / demo doll , etc .
• Corresponding activities and handouts from Appendices B and C .
• White board , dry erase markers and eraser .
• Pens or pencils .
Introduction and value of the section
This unit explores additional topics that can help parents prepare for breastfeeding or learn about situations they may face as their baby grows and their breastfeeding relationship changes . These topics can be incorporated into a breastfeeding course , taught in a separate course or used in a weekly group setting to provide additional learning opportunities .


• Parents will understand how to express breast milk ( using their hands or a pump ).
• Parents will identify essential supplies and steps they can take to
Goals support their health while breastfeeding .
• Prepare will be aware of situations they may face as their breastfeeding relationship continues beyond the first weeks .
Prior knowledge Basic understanding of breastfeeding .
• What is involved with expressing and pumping milk ?
• How can bottle feeding be done in a way that complements and supports breastfeeding ?
Key questions
• What supplies are helpful for breastfeeding ?
• How and when should parents begin to introduce solids ?
• How can a breastfeeding mother keep herself as healthy as possible ? What should she do if she gets sick while nursing ?
• How long can a mother continue to breastfeed ?
• What is involved in tandem breastfeeding ?