Postpartum and Baby Care Curriculum Partial Preview | Page 15

When to Feed and Bringing Baby to Breast
Small group activity
SIWB book page 59 * PowerPoint slides 125 – 127
* 2023 edition . Prior editions pages 59 and 62 .
Getting Started with Breastfeeding video Newborn Hunger Cues poster
Newborns typically communicate their hunger prior to crying . If parents know what to watch for , they can stay in sync with their baby and prevent the need to calm a frantic newborn . It is also helpful for them to know what signs show that milk is moving from the breast into baby ’ s mouth .
Discussion Prompts
• How can you tell if your newborn is hungry ?
• Have you heard of the rooting reflex ? Can you describe it ?
• How often should a newborn baby nurse ?
Key Points
• Hunger cues :
• Rooting .
• Mouth activity .
• Hand to mouth .
• Squirming , stretching , restlessness .
• Bobbing head , trying to get into position .
• Fussing .
• Crying ( a late sign ).
• When to feed :
• Feed on demand ( watch for hunger cues ).
• Breast milk digests quickly ( within about 90 minutes ). Newborns should be fed 8 – 12 times a day ( in 24 hours ).
• “ Cluster feeding ” ( eating frequently during certain periods of the day , then sleeping longer stretches ) is normal as they get older .
• Bringing baby to breast ( if baby needs help latching ):
• Hold the base of baby ’ s neck .
• Line up their nose to nipple .
• When they open wide , gently pull them onto the breast
• Look for lots of breast tissue in their mouth for a deep latch .
