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We ( the University of Portsmouth ) have checked the information in this prospectus and believe that it is accurate at the time of going to press ( December 2022 ). However , it is possible that some course details may change over time , either where the changes are unavoidable through , for example , staff changes ; where changes to the mode of delivery are required to deal with emergency situations , such as the Covid-19 pandemic ; or where it is believed that the changes would be beneficial to the course , such as updating the course content to reflect changes in the discipline or the industry . The University will take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of any changes on students and will always ensure that students receive the same standard of service . Applicants for such courses will be informed of any significant changes , such as course content changes , with as much notice as possible , so the effects of any changes can be considered by you . You are advised to check the University website for the most up-to-date information at all times , and / or to contact the University for further details if you are at any time uncertain of information .
Agreeing to our terms and conditions
When you accept an offer to study at the University of Portsmouth , you also agree to our Student Contract as well as the University ’ s policies , rules and regulations . You can read the Student Contract at port . ac . uk / terms . Note that our policies , rules and regulations may change at the start of any academic year . The most up-todate versions can be found at port . ac . uk / terms . It is best to be aware of these documents and to read them before you accept your offer of a place .
This is so you understand the commitment you are making and what you can expect from the University . If you would like more information on how we process your application , there ’ s more on our undergraduate applications , postgraduate applications or international applications pages online .
Tuition fee terms and conditions
The information on our website for each course includes tuition fee terms and conditions . This sets out in detail how tuition fees are calculated , increased and charged . It may be necessary , on some courses , to pay extra costs in relation to fieldtrips / study visits etc . If this is the case , this information will be available on the University website . As above , you are advised , at all times , to check the University website for the most up-to-date information on tuition , and other , fees . For the latest information , visit port . ac . uk / feesandfunding
Courses ‘ subject to approval ’
Courses advertised as ‘ subject to approval ’ have successfully completed the first stage of the course approval process . However , the full academic detail is subject to consideration and approval by the University in the second and final stage of the approval process , which happens after this publication is printed . Applicants for such courses will be informed of any significant changes to the advertised course as soon as possible during the application process so that you may make an informed choice about the course . Where a change to the course content and / or fees has a material adverse impact on you , you will be entitled to terminate your obligations to the University .
Your responsibility
It is your responsibility to confirm that the course you wish to study is suitable for your needs ( particularly any additional needs / disabilities you might have ), interests and abilities , and that the service , support and facilities provided by the University of Portsmouth meet your requirements . If you accept the offer of a place on one of our courses but later decide that you wish to change or withdraw from your course of study , without there being any changes to the course for which you applied , the responsibility for doing so and for any costs that you may incur is yours alone .
The University will provide its services to you with all due care and skill . We do not accept responsibility if we are unable to fulfil our teaching commitments at all through circumstances beyond our control . These include ( by way of example but not limited to ) illness , industrial action , pandemic and / or epidemic , travel restrictions , civil emergencies or the actions of third parties . We will always try , however , where possible , to make alternative arrangements to fulfil our commitments to you .
The United Kingdom ’ s withdrawal from the European Union may mean that courses which are accredited by professional bodies are not recognised within the EU in the same way as they have been historically . If you have any queries in relation to the impact of Brexit on your specific course , please contact the University and we will be happy to give you guidance and information relevant to your circumstances .